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Blam: Bella Hadid pala na pisti usred revije


Bella Hadid je u Njujorku preživela noćnu moru svih modela. Naime, mlada manekenka je pala usred Michael Korsove modne revije.

Ne možemo ni da zamislimo kako se neprijatno osećala u tom trenutku, ali Bella je profesionalno podnela ovaj blam. I to sa osmehom na licu. Sama je ustala i nastavila kao da se ništa nije desilo.  

  Michael Kors today❤️ Thank you so much for having me in the show @michaelkors @johndavidpfeiffer ❤️??   A video posted by Bella Hadid (@bellahadid) on


  @bellahadid #BellaHadid @michaelkors #MichaelKors , casting by @johndavidpfeiffer #JohnDavidPfeiffer   A photo posted by Backstage Bombshell (@backstagebombshell) on

@bellahadid #BellaHadid @michaelkors #MichaelKors , casting by @johndavidpfeiffer #JohnDavidPfeiffer A photo posted by Backstage Bombshell (@backstagebombshell) on


  Sometimes , Bella and I look so much alike! I’m sure I would be smiling too… ? #itsokay #bellahadid   A photo posted by Bella Hadid (@bellasupermodel) on

Bravo Bella!