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On je prvi Azijat koji je osvojio titulu mistera sveta!

(foto: Instagram)

Na nedavno održanom izboru za mistera sveta, titulu najlepšeg muškarca na svetu poneo je Indijac Rohit Khandelwal.

Ovaj 27-godišnji mladić iz Mumbaja, pored manekenstva, bavi se i glumom, a prijatelji ga opisuju kao skromnu osobu sa usađenim lepim manirima.

Lep, visok (183cm), talentovan, kulturan… Prosto ne možemo da mu nađemo manu. :-)

Uživajte u njegovim fotkama u nastavku…

“ love you guys , Thanks for all the messages and comments , It’s the main source of inspiration for me , ???“

A photo posted by Rohit Khandelwal (@rohit_khandelwal77) on

Quote of the day: „A gentleman is simply a patient wolf “ With @pauldavidmartinphotography

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All set to leave for playing Golf :) #mrindia #mrworld

A photo posted by Rohit Khandelwal (@rohit_khandelwal77) on

Love for dogs ? This cutie on the streets of beautiful southport ? With @amilomoxie

A photo posted by Rohit Khandelwal (@rohit_khandelwal77) on

„The will must be stronger than the skill “ -RIP (the greatest Mohammad Ali )

A photo posted by Rohit Khandelwal (@rohit_khandelwal77) on