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Objavljene prve vereničke fotografije princa Harryja i Meghan Markle

NO SALES. Terms of release, which must be included and passed-on to anyone to whom this image is supplied: USE AFTER 31/05/2018 must be cleared by Kensington Palace. This photograph is for editorial use only. NO commercial use. NO use in calendars, books or supplements. Use on a cover, or for any other purpose, will require approval from Art Partner and the Kensington Palace Press Office. There is no charge for the supply, release or publication of this official photograph. This photograph must not be digitally enhanced, manipulated or modified and must be used substantially uncropped. Copyright in the photographs is vested in Prince Harry and Ms. Meghan Markle. Publications are asked to credit the photograph to Alexi Lubomirski. WINDSOR, UNITED KINGDOM - DECEMBER: In this handout photo provided by Kensington Palace, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle pose for one of two official engagement photos at Frogmore House in December, 2017 in Windsor, United Kingdom. (Photo by Alexi Lubomirski via Getty Images)


Ostavi podatke i saznaj pre drugih sve informacije o Survivoru

Princ Harry Meghan Markle proslavili su veridbu fotografijama na kojima zaljubljeno poziraju, a koje je za kraljevsku porodicu napravio fotograf Alex Lubomirski
Nekadašnja glumica odlučila je da na snimanju ponese crnu bluzu sa zlatnim aplikacijama na jednoj, i beli džemper na drugoj fotografiji. Princ se držao klasike i nosio je odelo. Fotografije su ujedno i najava za venčanje, koje će se održatio 19. maja u kapeli zamka Vindzor. Meghan, koja je izgradila zapaženu glumačku karijeru u Sjedinjenim Američkim državama, otkrila je da će napustiti glumu, ne bi li se posvetila nekim drugim stvarima.