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Nina Dobrev napušta ‘Vampirske Dnevnike’!

Vreme je za promenu (foto: wenn)

Fanovi serije Vampirski dnevnici juče je šokirala vest da jedna od glavnih zvezda serije, Nina Dobrev, napušta hit serijal!

Dvadesetšestogodišnja glumica odlučila je da predahne od obaveza oko snimanja: izuzetno je umorna, te želi da živi slobodno jedno vreme i fokusira se na ostale planove vezane za  karijeru, a odluku je saoptišla na Instagramu.

„Prethodnog vikenda nismo proslavljali praznik, već smo pravili oproštaju žurku. Oduvek sam znala da će se priča Elene, mog lika ispričati u šest sezona, kroz koje sam svašta prošla. Tokom snimanja sam upoznala ljude koji su mi postali najbolji prijatelji,“ napisala je ona.

Dearest TVD Family, I’ve just spent the most beautiful weekend on Lake Lanier in Georgia with my own TVD Family, the cast and crew of The Vampire Diaries. I want to be the first to tell you that it wasn’t just a holiday celebration, it was a goodbye party. I always knew I wanted Elena’s story to be a six season adventure, and within those six years I got the journey of a lifetime. I was a human, a vampire, a doppelganger, a crazy immortal, a doppelganger pretending to be human, a human pretending to be a doppelganger. I got kidnapped, killed, resurrected, tortured, cursed, body-snatched, was dead and undead, and there’s still so much more to come before the season finale in May. Elena fell in love not once, but twice, with two epic soulmates, and I myself made some of the best friends I’ll ever know and built an extended family I will love forever. There’s more to come before we wrap this up, and I promise you’ll get to hear all about my experiences over the next month as we approach the season finale (I have given an exclusive interview for the June issue of SELF Magazine that I am excited for you to see!), but until then I invite you to hop on the roller coaster ride that is Elena Gilbert’s life and join me as I celebrate her and prepare to say goodbye to her — and to my work family — as I move on to the next chapter of my life. I want to share this goodbye with all of you (this weekend’s pictures were just the beginning). You, the wonderful fandom who gave more love, support and passion than anyone could have ever imagined seven years ago, when a young Degrassi girl from Canada showed up in LA to audition for ‘that Twilight TV show.’ ;-) I love you all. Fasten your seatbelts. If you think you know what’s coming, you don’t. Love, Nina

A photo posted by Nina Dobrev (@ninadobrev) on

O mogućnosti da Nina ode iz serije ranije je govorila i Julie Plec, producentkinja projekta televizije CW.

„Bila bih povređena kada bi Nina otišla iz serije. Međutim, imamo dosta glumaca koji su se vratili u seriji, i nakon što njihov lik tragično stradao, tako da ukoliko se to desi imamo priliku da napravimo neki novi uzbudljivi kontekst cele priče“, rekla je Julie za E! online.

Inače, pre Ninog odlaska, gledaoci su se tokom aktuelne sezone oprostili od još jednog lika, Eleninog brata, Jeremy Gilberta, koga tumači glumac Steven R. McQueen. Fanovi na Twitteru već žale za Ninom, pa je tako jedno vreme na društvenoj mreži trendovao hashtag, Nina je duša Vampirskih dnevnika.

Poslednja epizoda šeste sezone ujedno će biti i poslednja u kojoj će se Nina pojaviti.