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Rob Kardashian u suzama: Chyna me je ostavila i odvela bebu

Rob tvrdi da ga je Chyna ostavila i odvela ćerkicu Dream sa sobom (foto: Screenshot)

Na neverovatne ljubavne romanse, burne veze i neočekivane razvode i raskide potpuno su nas navikli svi pripadnici porodice Kardashian.

Ipak, kada su svi pomislili da je ovoga puta Robu Kardashianu zaista ‘krenulo’ u ljubavi i da se skrasio u novom porodičnom gnezdu sa Blac Chynom, iznenadila je vest da je ovaj poznati par raskinuo.

Sorry to be so open but I’m not feeling so good after seeing @blacchyna messages about me and what her plans were. I have never been this heartbroken in my life. I don’t mind being so open or if anyone thinks I’m being weak but I don’t play when it comes to Family and Chyna was my Family and thought we were getting married. I treated her as a Queen. My baby girl is 1 month old and Chyna took her and left this beautiful home that I just bought for us. Right before Christmas. Someone I have given my all too. I Loved every inch of that woman and loved everything that came with her. I truly loved Angela. I gave everything I owned for her. Didn’t know I was just part of her plan. I really believed she was in love with me the way that I was with her and I am so hurt and never felt this before. It’s different when you have a kid with someone. And after reading Chyna’s messages to her best friend she was going to drop me after a year. She didn’t even make it to that. I am so broken. This is a woman I fought my entire family for. I was in love with this woman to the fullest and I was none of that to her. Go to my snap—–> @robphuckedme

A video posted by ROBERT KARDASHIAN (@robkardashian) on

Rijaliti zvezda Black Chyna ostavila je Roba i otišla se iz njihove kuće u koju su se uselili pre samo dve nedelje. Skrhan bolom, Rob je na Snapchatu postavio srceparajući video u kome obaveštava: „Chyna je odnela dete i celu dečiju sobu koju smo napravili. Otišla je sa bebom i ostavila me samog!“.

On navodi da je i Kingova soba koju su zajedno uredili sada prazna i da je izuzetno uznemiren i tužan jer Božić neće provesti sa porodicom.

? I thought this was going to be the best year of my life ,,, had a beautiful baby Dream and haven’t spent Christmas with family in years and I just can’t believe she really hurt me this way. She knows how to hurt me and I loved her so hard like I’m supposed to. Like any man is supposed to love their Wife. Chyna knew exactly what she was doing to get me. I can’t believe she did this to me. And this isn’t for some ratings this is my real life so please understand I’m just being open right now. Cuz if it was for ratings I wouldn’t explain all this here. And with Chyna’s messages and her leaving with everything and the baby I am broken. I go 1000 percent for my girl. I am so confused how a man who gives and loves everything about a woman is the one left alone. ? I’m sorry for being so open once again ,,, this is killing me ?

A video posted by ROBERT KARDASHIAN (@robkardashian) on

U dugoj poruci koju je ostavio njegovi pratioci svedoče teškim trenucima kroz koje prolazi. Kardashian napominje da je očekivao da će ovo biti godina njegovog života i u neverici što je ostavljen objašnjava da ga je Chyna veoma povredila. Vidno potresen fanovima se izvinio na tolikoj otvorenosti, ali nije mogao da suzbije emocije, priznajući da ga ova situacija ubija.

Rob ipak gaji nadu i želi da veruje da ga je njegova draga volela kao što on voli nju. Nedugo potom oglasila se i Chyna koja je u poruci koju je kasnije obrisala napisala da je tokom cele trudnoće bila pod stresom zbog Roba, da je bila optužena i da ga vara, ali da je ipak sve učinila da mu pomogne, da ga natera da radi ali da to jednostavno nije bilo dovoljno, a da ima slobodu da ih poseti kada god želi.

Kao i uvek, ludo sa Kardashianovima!